Monday, January 8, 2007

Continued countdown...40 days to go...

Ack! Only 40 days to go. The first half of being pregnant went by so slow and now it is rushing at warp speed. Probaby because I'm getting a bit panicked about having everything ready!

My lovely friend Erin had a shower for my this weekend. Here's a run down of some of the loot we received for the baby:
Save our knees bathing stool & bathing seat:

Grooming set & a fabulously soft blanket (can adults have these!?):

Rainforest print bouncer & mobile (which I might switch for a different one - haven't decided):

Ugly, yet necessary pack-n-play:

And the big gift - our big carseat for once we are done with the infant carrier:

There were also tons of onesies, crib sheets, books, a few toys, some grooming products, etc. I was so proud of my friends - even though we know we are having a boy I didn't receive a zillion blue outfits & blankets!

I also placed an order through on Sunday night. We had $250 in GC's to Amazon, who luckily is affiliated with Target. So I ordered:

Diaper genie & refills
Snap & Go stroller frame (for the infant carseat Pam loaned us)
A fancy dual monitor (that hopefully I can still use outside when I take Annie out!)
A clothes hamper
Mustela 2 in 1 body & hair wash

Whew! All in all it was a big wonderful weekend for us. My Mom brought tons of stuff - the bouncer & mobile were from her, plus two sleepers. And she brought the bassinet for us to use, along with new sheets/liners for it. She also made curtains for the nursery that turned out so cute. I'll post pictures of those soon - need to get more stuff put away in the nursery first. Next we really need a mattress for the crib so I can get his bed put together!

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